Saturday 12 September 2009


almost forgot to say that these deep investigations of the psyche freud himself limited only to neurotics. mainly the kind known in those days as 'hysterics'. he loathed the very mad. it was because [no tranquillisers then] they were terribly violent and verbally both aggressive and incoherent. he just couldn't get anywhere with them. 1 reason was his cultured and civilised character. mostly the mad then as now tend to be of lower 'class' and if you think all 'talking therapy' depends on the pt being articulate, the room reasonably quiet, and the therapist not subject to wild behaviours. so those are reasonable qualifications. and to them i add another. if the pt is in the explosive or agonised or manic stage of his illness then probing at that time will do a lot of damage and make the ppt impossibly exposed to his uncs. the whole thing of psychosis is that the defences are destroyed and the pt far from needing to find his unc in fact is finding it blowing out of both his ears. so you only engage deep therapy when the pt is at least able to talk quietly.
On the other hand as i have made clear it is the very ill who need help. to exclude them forever is just nasty. did freud forget he was a physician first?

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